Upfront Disclosure:
I’m writing today’s article from a place of sadness.
This will be short and it is directed to the pastors who have subscribed or the ones who may stumble across this. Please don’t treat other pastors like they are “less than you”. I thought I had good friends and colleagues in ministry but it turns out that I do not. My eyes have been opened by two recent incidents and to be honest these men were never really my friends, just acquaintances. In hindsight I blame myself for considering us something more than what we actually were. I do grieve these losses because I do love them but looking back these men have always treated me like a “secondary pastor”.
You should not make someone feel less than or secondary in pastoral ministry, just because they have walked a different road than you.1 The same Jesus that saved you is the same one who saved them. The same God who called you to pastor is the same one who called them and to shame them and treat them poorly is to do a serious disservice to God.
So if you are a pastor and your reading this, please treat other pastors with love and respect because today I feel like a tax collector.
Have a blessed day,
This has nothing to do with theological differences.